Thursday, April 21, 2005

LIfe is good and busy!

Winter into Spring dissertation editing rush season has been good this year.

Art shows coming up: SparkanZoo on Saturday April 23, at 12 Galaxies in SF, a sweet little show right around the corner at 21st and Mission.

PaganFest May 7, sharing a booth with Patty; I'll bring the silks, knits, and silver, and artbooth, she'll bring the amber, chairs and chocolate.

Sounds like working Reva's booth at Novato Ren Faire this summer is a go; I'll go do stakeout for her in late June and bring Grant the UffDa bumper sticker I scored for him at Ingebretsen's while in Mpls the other week.

Still mainly keeping a livejournal:

Fell in love with a reference aggregating tool, Wikindx, and set up a multi-user version of it on my website, [since removed again].

Love for fun:

Poking about with geek-tools and tagging at

What's new with you?