Friday, May 13, 2011

Gardening Day

Today, we've dug and planted and uprooted, carefully sown some seeds in starter pots and carelessly scattered others to see what happens there...
In the back, against the mostly-south-facing back wall of the garage, are a row of tomatos, started earlier, in a row in their cages:

Rouge d'Irak,  Pink Beefsteak,  Costoluto Genovese, Green Zebra
A scattering of red amaranth plants between these and a little forward
Vervain, various basils, a Ronde de Nice courgette (Zuke), Calendulas moved from a hanging planter;
Yarrow, Thyme, 2 eggplants
Roughly in order from back to front and left to right.

We finally did in the bloody dock - not to be badmouthing the stuff, it's just red-veined. We're steaming the greens and tincturing the serious roots.

We have three big square planter boxes in the front yard, with strawberries and the spring flowers, to which we've added squash, that can leap out and sprawl over the juniper if it likes, 2 tomatillos, a yellow pear tomato for nibbling on as we arrive home; sunflowers, some in the boxes, and the ones that get really tall went into the ground next to the box nearest the front walk border of fortnight lilies.

I'm sort of catching up in logging these things in my journal over at Dave's Garden but I'm not sure anyone can see that log if they're not a member of that venerable website. So perhaps I'll be blogging on the garden more over here, with pictures. I do recommend and its $20 nuisance-fee-that-weeds-the-trolls, for the plant files database and the conversation in forums there. It's where we learned about straw-bale planting in a swampy-by-adobe-cob yard we rented for a couple of years: the perfect solution for that place. A raised bed garden you plant directly in to; took plenty o' water by hydroponic-cognate fertilizing (fish juice, yay), and worked amazingly. 

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