Tuesday, October 30, 2001

I'm dubious today about continuing with LASFAPA, a print based zine apa I've been involved with desultorily for a year-plus, more seriously this fall. The folks are mostly well-intentioned and kind, and different from me, and not really of huge passing interest or connection with the folks involved therein, except as a furtherance of prior and outside connections with a handful of same. So....do I need to commit to paper these ramblings and musings, when I could blog online, save myriad trees, and let those who might wish to know, these whereabouts?
Perhaps for the best.
As to zining in print, I'm getting more excitement out of the yahoo group botmzines and the ten- for ten artzine swap every other month - the commentary to one another is more to the point and swift, being as it happens online, and the zines themselves remain expressions of personal vision and artistry.

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